Result! I had the first roll of film I shot with the Mako machine developed and printed. I just couldn't bare to wait till I get a scanner to see what kinda results the Mako produces. I got to see the negatives last week, so I already knew were some images on there. Tonight after work I finally got to pick up the printed results.
And the machine works! There are some pretty decent shots on the roll. But off-course some have motion blur due to me trying not to sink and taking pictures at the same time. And I was a bit far from the subject a few times. Well it was the first time shooting with the camera, so all part of the learning curve.
I let the owner of my local photography shop convince me to use some weird Kodak c41 black and white film and I wasn't really feeling the look of the film. Its a black and white film which they develop as a colour film, it reduces the cost of developing and printing a bit in his shop, but the pictures come out in a sort of blue sepia-like tone-scale. Off-course me taking pics of the prints with my 300d under artificial light and then trying to fix that with my dodgy photoshop skills doesn't help :-D

I am so glad I decided to buy this camera. I can't wait to get back in the water with it!
Ik heb de witbalans aangepast via photoshop. Doordat ik digitale foto's heb genomen van de afdrukken bij kunstlicht was het licht in de foto gelig geworden. Bij de meeste foto's kreeg ik dit niet natuurgetrouw en bleef het gelig. Bij foto 1 en 4 lukte het wel aardig en zie je de afdrukken zoals ze in het echt zijn (een beetje blauwig)