Saturday, September 18, 2010

Deutsche grundlichkeit

Jonas, board nr.1

Jonas came all the way from Germany to be greeted by massive winds and lots of foam. He made a huge impression on the other shapers by showing his first! hollow wooden board. It looked insanely clean and very neatly crafted. Jonas is a cabinet maker, and if you would like to build a wooden board yourself, start out with cabinets. It works!
In my opinion by far the nicest board out there. Could be that I like old skool longboard shapes, but could also be that I like insane craftsmanship.

He got the outline of the board by taking a beamer and projecting a picture of a Wegener board on a piece of paper fixed to his his wall, and then tracing the outline onto the paper. Very creative solution.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. But you do realize we'll be needing extra info on this particular 'subject'. B-)

  3. He's making an impression on other people as well...
    But I think he has a girlfriend though.

    Sorry, you'll have to find someone else to build you cabinets :)

  4. I guess there is something about boys with big sticks...
