Sunday, January 3, 2010

A fresh start

2010 is upon us.

For me it couldn't have started a better way.
I got to celebrate new years eve with some close friends and we had a nice party in The Hague. The next day we woke up to a beautiful morning, and after a nice breakfast together a couple of us went to the beach. At the beach we were greeted by some very nice hip-high waves, offshore wind and sun!
It was still pretty cold (my too small booties and leaking gloves didn't help), but hey, it helped getting rid of the hangover :-) And somehow because the coldness of the water really made you feel the water washing over you, it just added to the feeling of washing off all sorts of worries, and really starting the new year afresh!

The second day of 2010 was spent rather nice as well. I spent the afternoon with my girl at a friends birthday, and later we went for dinner and to the theatre with friends. We went to see theatre-group Max's play about the rise off the Beatles. My closest friend from high-school Viktor was in the play, and I'm a pretty big Beatles fan, so my expectancies were pretty high.. Yet somehow those guys still managed to blow me away! The play was just so freaking nice, and the guys (and girl) in the play are really incredible musicians. I really really liked it a lot. Goodtimes!

So the start of the new year has been a blast, and I'm looking forward to what kind off adventures with my friends the rest of 2010 will bring. There are already some good things lined up for this year like my friend Joost's graduation film for the Dutch filmacademy called Wraak (which is Dutch for Revenge). I can't wait to go see that.

Without wanting to sound corny, I'm just really grateful for having what I got. My girl, great friends and such a nice start to the new year! 2010 is good.

Oh yeah... I brought the Mako for the surfsession, pics should be on here sometime later this week. And I will post some updates on new camera equipment on here sometime soon as well.

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