Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hou Koers, easier said than done..

I named this blog Hou Koers, and that means something in the lines of "to stay on track". Today, I experienced first hand that it isn't always as easy to do just that.

The above image was the view from our car this morning.
We were on our way to the coastal town of Bergen aan Zee. We really wanted to go to Bergen aan Zee because there was a surfart exposition by monsterboards' Eef, and also because the forecast said there would be waves. Big waves!*

(*Big waves as compared to the slob we usually get in the Netherlands)

I already knew that the temperature would be somewhere between 0 and minus 10 degrees celcius, so I knew it would be cold, but I was still really eager to get to the beach and score some nice waves. A good surfsession combined with a nice surfart expo actually sounded like the ideal way to spend the Sunday, but sadly the weather-gods had other plans.

It snowed, and we never made it to Bergen aan Zee cause of the snow. It snowed really, really bad. A Nissan Micra is not the right car for driving in snow.
Problems began right around the corner form our house where there is a little slope in the road. We barely made it to the top because off the wheels spinning everywhere, and I had a lot of problems keeping the car on the road. After sliding through town we finally made it to the highway which looked a little less snowy, but sadly the car didn't handle much better out there. There was just no grip. And because of the heavy snow not much visibility either.

We decided to get of of the highway at the next exit after we received a call that out buddy Tim couldn't make it because almost all the trains in the entire country were cancelled. We already had heard some warnings that everybody should stay at home and not get in the car because of the dangerous conditions. All those factors combined I realised that there was no way we were going to reach the coast without accidents. My girlfriend thought it took me an eternity to reach that conclusion, but hey I was really looking forward to the day :-)

Look at the amount of snow on the trash-can and seats in our garden. We aren't really used to this amount of snow here.

My girlfriends Micra

My new dream car

I bet with this bad-ass Volvo Polar we would have breezed to the coast and no surfsessions would have to be missed!

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