Tuesday, July 12, 2011


So trying to be a bit more of the social media expert that I'm supposed to be, I started using GooglePlus.
None of my friends are using it actively yet so there's not much happening on my GooglePlus yet. I guess being an earlyish adapter is boring as hell.

I however thought to give this GooglePlus thing a chance and started to actively complete my profile with some info and pictures and stuff. As soon as I got to the photo part of my personal GooglePlus space, I found al the pictures I had ever posted on this blog (Blogger is a Google application) were imported in GooglePlus. All neatly stowed away in an album named 'Hou Koers'.
For some reason however there were a lot of duplicate pics, so I cleaned up the album a bit. Now as soon as my friends would start using GooglePlus actively, they would have the convenience of viewing all of the pics ever posted on my blog without having to look at all those duplicates. Pretty cool of Google to automaticly import these pics I thought.

Boy was I wrong.

For some reason the album featured in my GooglePus environment weren't imported pics, but it was the actual database of my blog! So all the duplicate pics I removed from the album disappeared from this blog!

This sucks big time. I will try to put the missing pics back, but it's a pain to locate the pics and reload them on the blog, so it will take some time.

For now here's a pic I shot somewhere last year. I bet this guy in Cuba isn't bothered about and/or with new social media applications, he's way to busy looking groovy.

1 comment:

  1. early adapter? ik kan het niet eens gebruiken... Wil je vriendje wel worden op google+, maar het kan niet :(
