Sunday, January 2, 2011


So late 2010 I saw this movie The Bucket List.
I didn't think the movie to be really spectacular, but by now I'm quite happy I saw it.

I was watching the film together with a friend and what the movie did was trigger us into talking about what would be on our bucket lists. This combined with the sentiments of another year almost over had us thinking about setting goals for the future, and it wasn't long before all my thinking was done in lists.

Which goals to achieve before I turn thirty? Which in the next five years? And the next ten?

In the end I find myself with lists I made for this new year which has only just began. I realize the lists not only serve the purpose of getting my head clear about what I want to achieve, but also they are already pushing me to go and try to achieve as many of the goals I have set.
I hope that twelve months from now I'm holding a bunch of lists that have all the goals crossed off, and that I am  liking The Bucket list even more.

Some of the lists:

Books to read:
1. The Subterreneans by Jack Kerouac
2. Visions of Codey by Jack Kerouac
3. Die leiden des Jungens W. by Goethe
4. The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera (reread)
5. A novel by Bukowski

Films to see:
1. Easy Rider (review)
2. The Thin Red Line
3. A Clockwork Orange (review)
4. L' Herisson
5. Taxi Driver

Places to go:
1. California
2. Madness Festival (Dutch surffestival)
3. Paris
4. Domburg (Dutch surfspot that I haven't surfed yet)
5. Hoge Veluwe/Kroller Muller (Dutch nature reserve and museum)

I've got lists. Now let's see what 2011 will throw at me.
Bring it on!


  1. No, no, no! Don't do the list thing. Don't plan. Just be.
    I don't like lists. They grow. Never seem to fit on just the one page.

  2. Sorry, I'm sticking to the lists. And I'm also sticking to Die Jungens W.

    We should def plan a Domburg trip just for the sake of tripping and getting some surfing done!

  3. Dude, just realized after the 33rd reread of this post. Where's the Toverbergbook?

  4. I've got another one:

    "Things to do:
    1. Update my blog"

