Sunday, February 14, 2010


A nice little one going by unridden. 
This is one of the shots that came from the first roll of film I ever shot with the Rolleiflex I inherited from my father. This shot isn't much, but it was enough for me to get excited. And it was enough as well to realise the potential that the weird looking camera my mother dug out of the closet has.
Till this day I'm still discovering more of the potential the camera has, Is sure wish my father would still be around so I could ask him some questions now and then. It would probably be great help steepening the learning curve.

It was weird when only after I developed an interest in photography myself, I found out my father had had such an interest as well. At first it made me mad because we never had the chance to share it, but later on I found the idea we still have some sort of bond through this mutual interest quite consoling. 
Though generally I'm still just mad about it.


  1. rollei's rock- i have a 2. planar from the mid 50's sweetest lens going- beautiful contrast and insane edge sharpness!!

  2. I think a lot of questions about the Rolleiflex can be found on the mighty internet.
    But i think you would rather had asked your dad..

  3. Aww, little brother I really wish we all could have asked him a lot more too. And I didn't know he was into photography either. To me it's very special you are using his camera now. Dad would have been so proud of you!
