Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First Nikonos roll

So last Sunday I shot the first roll of film in my Nikonos I. As you can see from my face, I was struggling. It was a though day, the North Sea was angry, and I had a pretty tough session. Took plenty a beating.
Not much surfing was done, but still a great opportunity to get wet, and to test my new camera. Good news, it's watertight!
Here are some shots.

Not blown away by the results. I think I'll have to use a colour filter in the future, cause the sky and the sea have the same shade of grey in a lot of the images. Had to adjust a lot when scanning to get somewhat viewable results.


  1. Nice! Like the Black&White/sepia effect to it.
    Saterday was a better day for surfing!


  2. The last pics makes Tim look like a wet version of the lonesome cowboy. :D.
    "I'm a poor lonesome surfer. I'm a long long way from home."
    Now I'm sad, poor Tim..
