Sunday, December 13, 2009

Behind the scenes

I saw this behind the scenes photo in Dazed and Confused magazine who have a "Where the wild things are" special out. I really can't wait till the movie shows here in the Netherlands.
For those of you not in the know, its a movie based on a children's book directed by Spike Jonze. And I am way beyond anxious.
This photo didn't help. Seriously, how can someone look this cool directing a shot that looks this cool, combining in a behind the scenes image that looks just this freakin amazing. I love it. And now I wanna see the movie even more.

I came across a contest called "Where the wild things ought to be" on The idea was to create an image with the characters of WTWA in an environment where they ought to be. There were some pretty cool entries like these:


  1. Yes he sure did, after he was a semi-professional bmx'er turned to bmx photographer (or something like that).
    On a subconscious level Mr. Jonze having roots in the bmx-world has a part in me wanting to see this movie so bad. BMX4 life :-)

  2. Isn't that the dutch book Max en de Maximonsters? I know someone who is such a big fan of that book, she uses the avatar 'max' a lot :D

  3. Yes it's Max en de Maximonsters. We can go see the movie from the 14th of january in the Netherlands :-)
