Sunday, October 25, 2009

Some single-use Kodak shots

These are some of the shots from one of the single-use Kodak waterproof cameras that joined us for a surftrip. Like I've said before I was quite surprided by the results from this cheap cameras.
I think this camera was in my travelbag for about 3 years before I found it again and shot the remaining frames. So the film was expired quite a bit, but I think that added to the feel of the shots.
The nice onboard shots were made by Tim a friend of mine aboard a ragged but nice old log.

You dont have any influence on the settings with these cameras, so unless the sun is behind you, the subjects tend to be underexposed (as is obvious in some of the shots). However that isn't always a bad thing. In the last shot it was getting dusk and I quite like how the underexposure turned out.

Offcourse you gotta watch out for waterdrops on the lens, unless you like blurr...

I found out the hard way that the Zarautz shorebreak mini-barrels are though (and quite painfull) to photograph.

There were even some shots on the roll from years ago when we went for a wintersession in Scheveningen, its from before I even moved there.

Looking back at these shots got me amped up even more to go test the Mako machine. I tested it for leaks in the sink today and it seems watertight. Got to get it into the sea soon.

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